

Friedensreich Hundertwasser – graphic works from 1951 to 1992, Schloss Britz Berlin

Friedensreich Hundertwasser – graphic works from 1951 to 1992 8.03.2008 -13.07.2008 Kulturstiftung Schloss Britz, Berlin The exhibition shows 80 graphic works by austrian artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser (from 1951 to 1997), including all of his portfolios, some rare paintings, ceramics, the complete Brockhaus edition and the Hundertwasser bible. His famous prints are : “Die Flucht des Dalai-Lama”
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Executive production, Tu parles !? le français…, MAC Lyon/Bruxelles

  Interactive exhibition “Tu parles le français !?…dans tous ces états” Musée d’Art Contemporain Lyon (MAC), France and in Brussels, Belgium in 2000 Production: Intégral Concept by architect Philippe Délis, Paris, 1999-2000 Executive production: Katia Hermann The organisation Mission 2000 in France and the city of Lyon are celebrating the french language with the interactive exhibition “T
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Museography French Pavilion, Expo 2000 Hanovre

Thematic exhibition at French Pavilion Expo 2000 Hanovre Theme: Movement, mobility, transports The topic of the Expo 2000 was sustainability and movement. A selected film crew worked with scenographs, architects and designers to create a didactical course on 2000 m2 in the French Pavilion. The course of the exhibition started with the theme of french spatial technology and a spectacular projection of mother earth, th
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